Affordable Soprano Laser Repairs
We provide comprehensive hair removal laser repair and service. Our tech support staff will review your problems over the phone and provide a no obligation quote. We use OEM parts for all aesthetic laser repairs and carry parts in our inventory to ensure speedy repair times. Following is a list of Soprano laser equipment we service and repair:
- Soprono XL
- Soprono XLi
- Soprano ICE
- Soprano ICE Platinum
- Replace Damaged Touch Screens
- CPU Repairs
- Circuit Board Repairs
- High Voltage Power Supply Repairs and/or Replacements
- Replace the water pump
- Replace the water tank
- Replace the flow switch
- Replace damaged wiring
Speak With A Technician
Complete the form below and an Alma Repair specialist will contact you to provide free troubleshooting for your Sorprano laser system. All estimates are free of charge. We look forward to hearing from you.x